"Magical Mindset" SEL Assembly

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What is

Miss Fairy G’s
Magical Mindset Assembly?

The performance is designed specifically for PreK-5th graders. This heartwarmingly fun show touches on themes of kindness towards ourselves and others, understanding our feelings, and how our Mindset can impact our quality of life. She effortlessly weaves in the concepts of Positive Self-Talk while captivating students with a blend of magic, music, puppetry, and interactive engagement.

What will students experience during Miss Fairy G’s Magical Mindset Assembly?

*Miss Fairy G uses storytelling, magic illusions, and puppetry to teach S.E.L themes. Characters like a Donkey (negative thoughts) and a Unicorn (self-belief) make learning fun. Another character teaches the Turtle Technique for anger management.

What curricular connections will the performance offer?

The performance covers five key elements of Social Emotional Learning: Self-Awareness, Self-Management, Relationship Skills, Social Awareness, and Responsible Decision Making.

Why SEL?

SEL is essential for well-being, fostering relationships, and creating safe learning environments.

Growth Mindset =

The ability to see potential in improving!​

Miss Fairy G

The Godmother of S.E.L.

Miss Fairy G school assemblies are loved by Students and faculty so much that she has expanded her book readings into a school assembly show focusing on PreK-5th grade education.


Miss Fairy G’s 40-45 minute magical elementary school assembly focuses on the importance of Social Emotional Learning as well as maintaining a Growth Mindset.


Student learn the five main tenants of S.E.L. with interweaving messages of kindness, love & lots of laughs.


Call or email us today to book Miss Fairy G for your
elementary school: (702) 280-4148.

What Voice Are You Using Today?

The Donkey Voice

The “Donkey Voice Model©” developed by Miss Fairy G, serves as a valuable tool for students to learn how to effectively manage negative


By focusing on the internal dialogue, or self-talk, the “Donkey Voice” model provides a framework for understanding mindset and its impact on our lives. It emphasizes the importance of recognizing and challenging this negative self-talk in order to foster a growth mindset.


The “Donkey Voice” model encourages individuals to embrace positive self-talk and develop a resilient mindset that propels them towards success.